Thursday, 20 May 2010

Elk Hair Caddis

One animation I'd like to share today is pretty impressive, by the sheer flexibility of the characters, and the nice real life stop motion feel it has. It's a nice dutch piece called Elk Hair Caddis, and features a bear and a frog having some peace and quiet. Kind of.
In addition, there is also a behind the scenes video showing how it was rigged, animated, tweaked in post and such. What really grabs me is the amazing detail in the rigs. Everything has a control to really distort those shapes nicely, from the bear's ears down to the exhaust on the motorbike. If I could create rigs like this then I would be a happy chap.

MakingOf_ElkhairCaddis_peter smith from peter smith on Vimeo.

I will leave you all with that as a Friday treat.

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