Seems I didn't get round to updating last week... probably because I didn't really get that much done, so there wasn't anything worth commenting. A couple of cartoons, life art and general sitting about. But then again everyone needs a holiday. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
This last week has been more prosperous. I have finally got a job to pay the bills, and with working 21 hours (with a chunk of those being time and a half) I can actually crack on with some animation without the stress of not being able to afford anything. A big load off means my brain can be entirely Maya-orientated. And with this, I managed to sit and draw some decent observational sketches as well as mapping out some orthographics for my generic rig, ready to be scanned, tweaked in Photoshop and stuck directly onto image planes for my Maya cameras. That should see some light very very soon now I have the relevant references.
In addition to my own work, I've been contacted by a Leicester-based animation company. Basically the owner should be getting a few projects in soon, and needs some animators fresh out of uni to provide a bit of manpower. After a chat, I know one of the main focuses of the company is in 3D compositing and matching work up with the real world. Not neccessarily ultra-realistic work, but it needs to look like it fits in with the environment, such as lighting etc. I will be providing a short animation with a high-realism finish on it that will be imported into Flash for some added interactivity. My knowledge of Flash, Encore and the like should really plug this for me, as although it's self taught, I am in the know with interactive multimedia projects.
This project should be done by the end of next week, so I have a tight deadline to get this as good as possible. At the moment I am thinking of what object I should create that will be acheivable in the timeframe, and what will look impressive. If I pull this off, there should be some animation work in store for me, which will also help provide this blog with some handy techniques I'll no doubt pick up as I go along.
Fingers crossed!